Skin Care Resolutions for Beautiful Skin

A New Year's Resolution, a promise to do a act of self improvement or something nice for someone (Wikipedia).
The New Year is here and it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year that is ending; what went well, what didn't go so well and what changes can be made or improved on. It's like getting a do over, let's try this again.
This year make taking care of yourself your first priority. Life gets busy and job, family, spouses, friends all want a piece of us and it can be overwhelming. We can get lost in the mix. Many people try changing diets or activity for the new year; and those are important but let’s get a little more personal.
What is your routine? Don’t have one? Let’s start simple. Commit to a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer every morning and evening. Simple but doable. Do that for a month then re-evaluate your skin.
Already doing that? Gold star! Let’s dig a little deeper into your skin care routine by evaluating what’s happening with your skin. Is it dry, oily, blotchy or dull looking? Find products that fit your needs. Add a serum into your morning and night routine that focuses on anti aging or breakouts or reducing red skin.
Visiting a local spa is great way to start off the new year. It's relaxing after the hectic holidays and the aesthetician can be helpful in guiding you towards your perfect skin care routines and products. Beautiful skin makes us feel more confident. Make your skin care a focus in 2017!