4 Ways to Transition Your Skin Into Spring

4 Ways to Transition Your Skin Into Spring

 Transition Your Skin To Spring

The first day of Spring is almost here and it’s time we get the skin on our face and body ready for the warmer weather. Spring, depending on where you live, can be a tricky season as some places are still very cold while others are very warm.  With that being said, we made this list of 4 things you need to do to transition your skin into Spring, no matter where you live.

1. Do a little “Spring Cleaning” and remove that dull, dead layer of skin.  Exfoliating with a scrub on both your face and body will assist in removing these cells, revealing the fresh, new layers of your skin.

Note: the skin on your face is more delicate than the skin on your body so it’s best to use a less abrasive exfoliator on your face, and save your favorite sugar or salt scrub for your body.

2. That new skin will most likely be dehydrated or dry, so you need to bring back the moisture. If you have dry, aging skin continue to use a heavier cream both day and night.

For those who have oily, breakout prone skin, a light moisturizer during the day and a heavier cream at night, or you can simply add a drop of beauty oil into your moisturizer to balance and bring in a little extra moisture.

3. With the sun and new skin out to play, time to put sunscreen on during the day! Use an oil free sun protectant to protect your skin from those harmful UVA/UVB rays. Make sure to reapply and wear a hat if you are in direct sunlight for any extended periods of time.

4. The best thing you can ever do for your overall health is drink water, so drink up! Most of us tend to drink less water in the winter because we don’t sweat or feel thirsty as often as we do during the warmer months so it’s important to bring back your moisture levels to keep the skin functioning at it’s best.  Your skin is made up of about 64% water and by increasing your water intake, the skin can flush out toxins and help fight the signs of aging.

So there you have it: exfoliate, hydrate, protect and drink water and you will have a great start to beautiful skin for the new season!

Leona Baisley Vivid Complexion Having been licensed esthetician for over 8 years, Leona has worked for a variety of spas and wax only salons. She is passionate about skin care, waxing and education for both the professional and the client. She has over 4 years of wax training experience for large organizations and is in the beginning stages of creating her own education classes that will help licensed estheticians and cosmetologists grow their businesses and compete with the top professionals in the industry.

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